
HUGE PE Inspection Chimney and Manhole elements are produced in accordance with TS EN 13598-2 standard and are certified by the Turkish Standards Institute (TSE). Item numbers of the products, T.R. Ministry of Environment and Urbanization starts with 04.264/4B in the Construction-Installation Analysis and Unit Prices list.

Manhole is one of the most important factors in the establishment of city infrastructures in today's world. Especially in order to make living spaces healthier and more productive, there is a great need for plumbing and infrastructure works carried out primarily underground. These structures, known as manholes, provide the opportunity to easily access and intervene in this system. Product samples, which appear as a kind of inspection chimney, provide significant advantages in terms of intervention in infrastructure and installations.

While you come across very ergonomic and advantageous designs in today's standards, it is possible to make the entrance of this product ready on roads, sidewalks and everywhere with a perfect structure and an extraordinary cover that supports it. Our product samples approved by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization come to you with high quality standards. Our manhole product samples show themselves to be very useful and advantageous.

Where are manholes used?

While the use of manholes is becoming increasingly common, our product samples, especially regarding inspection manholes, show advantageous and opportunity-creating results. Especially the plumbing infrastructure makes a great contribution to the preparation of city infrastructures in a more planned and programmed manner. PE inspection manhole options provide an important opportunity for easy control, regulation and intervention. In terms of infrastructure and installation, inspection manhole product options provide a good opportunity to both create the infrastructure and intervene in problems. These quality product examples, which are generally used in city infrastructures, attract attention with their robust, durable and ergonomic structure.

What are the Manhole Types?

Manhole is available in a wide variety of product examples. The results of these products that improve the quality of life, especially in the areas where they are used, attract attention. Sample options you may encounter among manhole types;

  • DN1000 Manhole
  • DN800 Manhole
  • DN600 Manhole
  • Street Gullies
  • House Connection Manhole
  • Drainage Manhole
  • Segmented Manholes

It appears before you as follows: Product samples, each with a special design and usefulness, come to you with standards appropriate to the city infrastructure. The manhole options, which come before you in a very ergonomic and useful way, present themselves as an efficient and qualified product model.

What are the Advantages of Using Manholes?

Using manholes is a very advantageous and convenient option. While creating the infrastructure, main chambers present a great need for critical intervention at certain points. In addition to options such as intervention, repair and addition, the manhole is a very useful example of a product when it comes to infrastructure change. Infrastructures made of very light and durable materials provide convenience to experts with the opportunity for easy change and intervention.

Infrastructure planning is of great importance for cities that are expected to maintain continuity for centuries. Thanks to the use of manholes, it is possible to constantly create quality and high standards. With advantageous and convenient usage support, manhole product samples support city infrastructures to be more efficient.

Manhole Prices

While manhole prices appear on our pages, the high quality and affordable prices of our products provide great convenience to our customers. Product samples produced with solid materials, high-quality and qualified raw materials, reveal a very suitable model in terms of shape and functional structure. The products, which attract attention with their robust and useful structure, show the formation of a very advantageous and suitable model in terms of functionality.

Product examples that provide advantages in terms of infrastructure and installation intervention give people this opportunity with the advantage of a large chamber right under the cover. Affordable manhole prices highlight the healthy and appropriate infrastructure support of these quality products in the best possible way.